Partner up
Let's connect!
If you want to go fast,
Go alone
If you want to go far,
Go together
African proverb
Get involved
Partner with us
We are always looking to partner with businesses or organisations. Please contact us if you have any questions.
If you are thinking of setting up a similar project within your neighbourhood, we would love to help you out.
This whole project depends on companies who are investing in a cleaner environment. We would love to connect to see what possibilities there are to work together.
Start as a volunteer!​​​
As a growing organisation we can't do it without your help. Please contact us with any question you might have! We are more than happy to connect with you!
Did your heart started burning with passion for people didn't had the opportunity to go to school and find a job? Or are you concerned about our heavily polluted communities and do you want to join us to make a change? Well, here we are! Feel free to write us a message to get in contact with us!
It will be the best time of your life!!
Volunteering possibilities
Especially for our Dutch community, as this is a Dutch initiative! If you'd like to join us, feel free to send us a message! Additionally, we are happy to collaborate with other projects and initiatives to make the world a better place together!
Would you be interested in bringing this project to the attention of your school, company, or other organization? We would be delighted to come by and present Cash for Trash, explaining it to both young and old!
Get in touch
Cash for trash
Cash for trash office
Cash for trash Durban
Our recycling project is situated in the township of Hammarsdale, close to Durban. ​It's part of Codah (Children of destiny at home). This organization reaches out to the poorest of the poort in the community.
Codah Ministries
Shezi Main Rd.
Hammarsdale - Mpumalanga
Cash for trash Netherlands
Our head office is situated in The netherlands. We don't have our own office but we are part of Rafael de Rank in Rotterdam, an evangelical Church that embraced this project.
Rafael de Rank
Ringvaartweg 125
3065 AC Rotterdam
How to get in contact
Whether you live in South-Africa or in the Netherlands, we would love to hear from you and help you with whatever question you might have. Feel free to fill in the contact form below or write us an email!
Email address:
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